2017 started out well. On January 1st two recently approved projects could start: Protect the Baltic Harbour Porpoise and Restoring degraded peatlands in Słowiński National Park Poland, for natural habitats and peatlands ecosystem services reconstruction.
Protect the Baltic Harbour Porpoise is a Swedish project carried out by the organisation Coalition Clean Baltic and its goal concerns the main breeding area for harbor porpoises in the Baltic Sea. By securing a well managed MPA, the status of the Baltic Sea population will be improved. The project is planned for two years.
Restoring degraded peatlands in Słowiński National Park Poland, for natural habitats and peatlands ecosystem services reconstruction belongs to the LIFE project Peat Restore. Our Polish partner organisation Klub Przyrodników will contribute to the Life project by stopping water outflow by artificial ditches, reducing peat decomposition and initiating peat-forming vegetation in post-mining area in Słowiński National Park Poland. The project has a duration of 5 years.