Our team
Office Staff

Thomas Winter
Managing Director

Dr. Kathleen Schwerdtner Máñez
Project Coordinator

Helene Witan
Student Assistant
Board of Directors

Alfred Schumm
WWF, Director of Innovation, Science, Technology & Solutions

Dr. Susanna Knotz
Project leader BUND
Board of Trustees
Stefan Schwill, President
(Regional Chairman of NABU e.V. section Mecklenburg-West Pomerania)
Stephan Zirpel, Vice President
(Director of Environmental Conservation at WWF Germany)
Thomas Blaudszun, Member
(Deputy Chairman of BUND e.V. section Mecklenburg-West Pomerania)
According to the statute, members of both Boards are appointed as follows:
- one member appointed by WWF Germany
- one member appointed by BUND e.V. (Friends of the Earth Germany), section Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
- one member appointed by NABU e.V. (Birdlife Germany), section Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
The BaltCF Project Advisory Committee (PAC) is an international body of experts, whose members have various backgrounds in science and implementation of environmental projects and who are based in different Baltic Sea countries.