Who do we fund?

BaltCF operates in all countries of the Baltic Sea catchment area. We provide financial support to projects from environmental organisations, public bodies and other institutions that promote the conservation of the Baltic Sea and its habitats. We particularly support cooperation between NGOs and authorities and fund international projects in the states bordering the Baltic Sea that go beyond legal obligations of the respective applicant.
We aim at generating measurable results that achieve sustainable and long-term viable outcomes with the allocated funds. We support projects which implement practical conservation actions, clearly contribute towards our priorities (below), and are based on scientific and technical competence. Applications for co-funding of other national or international projects are welcome.
As our main goal is the tangible improvement of ecological conditions, we usually do not support projects that primarily deal with research or awareness-raising.
For further information on our funding objectives, eligible parties, the application process and other formalities please download our funding guideline.
BaltCF funding priorities
We support nature conservation and environmental protection projects addressing a broad variety of issues. Our priority are projects that
- contribute to a reduction of nutrient inputs in order to reduce eutrophication;
- contribute to the conservation or restoration of marine and coastal habitats;
- focus on marine spatial planning and result in the creation, expansion or improvement of marine protected areas (MPA);
- create tangible improvements towards a significant reduction of the impact of fishing practices.
Projects that focus on other issues are also eligible for support. Please get in touch with our project coordinator about this.