Small-scale local solutions to reduce nutrient load into the Baltic Sea

This project aims at reducing the nutrient load that enters the Baltic Sea through the introduction of small-scale wastewater treatment solutions in general and dry eco toilets for individual households. Three pilot demonstration toilets will be established for local communities on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland as part of this project. The most important activities of the project include raising public awareness about nutrient pollution and determining suitable methods for reduction.
Situation and background
Eutrophication in the Gulf of Finland is constantly increasing, with nutrients originating from diffuse sources such as wastewater from small settlements or individual houses/dachas as well as organic waste and fertilizers from agriculture. The project takes place in a region with more than 200 gardening communities and about 2 million people residing there 60-90 days a year. Locals and residents are unaware of the simple solutions and everyday practices that can help reduce nutrient load to the natural waters.
Project activities and effects
Project Goal:
- reducing nutrient load to the Baltic Sea
- raising public awareness on the opportunities for reduction of nutrient load from rural households and small-scale agriculture
- introducing local solutions via practical installations on pilot sites and inspiring local policy developments for widening the pilot solution applications
- Info-kit on challenges and solutions; information dissemination on the internet; multi-stakeholder seminars
- Public river watch – investigation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus loads in rivers
- Installation of eco-toilets on three pilot sites
- Approbation and demonstration of eco-toilets for potential followers and media
- Analytic report on the project results/prospects
- Map demonstrating nutrient pollution sources
- Round table on policy development
- Final press conference
Long-term effects:
- Increased awareness amongst a large population of people
- Pilot eco-toilets & composters are established and functioning as working facilities on demonstration sites
- Visitors make use of pilot installations, generating increased interest in its application in their own households
- Main causes of nutrient pollution are elucidated (Map, Analytic report)
- Decision makers and stakeholders are informed about successful methodology, leading to increased promotion of these measures
- Coalition Clean Baltic
- Association for Promotions of Field
- Researches and Sustainable Rural Development” Local municipalities,
- Gardening communities
- Associations of gardening communities
- NGO Biodinamika
- More NGOs, schools, libraries, local municipalities
Project region
Gulf of Finland
Project duration
2017-07-01 – 2019-06-30
total project budget: €73,570
funding BaltCF: € 62,270