
The Woodland Key Habitats

The Woodland Key Habitats

The Woodland Key Habitats The project started in August 2018 and could already secure 111 ha of valuable Woodland Key Habitats as newly protected areas in Estonia. By end of 2018 additional 270 ha of valuable old growth forests have been registered for...

New Chairman appointed

The Board of Trustees appointed during its last meeting Alfred Schumm as new member of the baltcf board. After four years of intensive and successfull work with baltcf, Heike Vesper stepped back as board member and chair. Alfred Schumm replaced Heike Vesper as...

Expedition to the Franken Shipwreck

Since February 2018, the Baltic Sea Conservation Foundation funds the project “Reduction of the negative impact of oil spills from the Franken shipwreck” carried out by the Mare Foundation in close collaboration with the Maritime Institute Gdansk. The...