Legal Notice

Baltic Sea Conservation Foundation (baltcf)
c/o Basislager
Richard-Wagner-Str. 1a
D-18055 Rostock


The Baltic Sea Conservation Foundation is a civil law foundation having legal capacity. The competent supervisory authority is the Ministry of Justice of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania.

Authorised representatives

  • Alfred Schumm, Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Dr. Susanna Knotz, Member of the Board of Directors

Management and content according to § 6 MDStV:

Thomas Winter


We have created the content of our websites with utmost diligence. However, we do not guarantee for the quality, actuality, correctness and completeness of the content provided. Our website includes links to external websites on whose content we do not have any influence. Therefore we take no responsibility for the content of these websites. The providers or rather the operators of the linked websites are responsible for their content. At the time of the linking we checked the concerned external websites in view of possible infringements of the law. Illegal content was not to be found at that time. However, we point out that constant checking on the content of the linked pages is not reasonable as long as no precise evidence for an infringement of the law due to the content of these pages is given. As soon as we find out about infringements of the law due to the content of linked external pages, we will immediately delete all links from our website which refer to these pages.


The content and works on these pages that have been provided by the site operator are subject to German copyright law. Any use not allowed by copyright law is prohibited. This shall apply, in particular, to the duplication, processing, transfer into other formats and use for the creation of databases or other electronic media and systems. Downloads and copies of this site are permitted only for private, non-commercial purposes. Should this website include content that has not been created by the operator, the third-party copyrights will be respected. Third-party contents and rights are identified as such in this regard. Should you still have reason to believe that a copyright violation has occurred despite the precautionary measures taken, the author kindly requests that you inform him. In the case that legal violations become known to the author, the content in question will be removed without delay.

Images and visual elements

  • baltcf-the-baltic-sea.jpg – Foto: Sergey Lutchenko
  • baltcf-foundation.jpg – Foto: Julius Morkūnas
  • baltcf-history.jpg – Foto: Sergey Lutchenko
  • baltcf-finances.jpg – Foto: Sergey Lutchenko
  • baltcf-projects-map.jpg – Foto: Adobe
  • baltcf-who-we-fund.jpg – Foto: Ekaterina Latysheva
  • baltcf-procedure.jpg – Foto: Janne Gröning
  • baltcf-contact.jpg – Foto: Ekaterina Latysheva
  • Home page top: Tauchender Seehund: © Martina Berg – [Link]
  • Home page bottom: Ostsee/Skandinavien: © Anton Balazh – [Link]
  • Wave element: © orhideia – [Link]
  • Foto Robbengruppe für Sprachversionen: Ralf Grunewald
  • baltcf-projects-A private landowner initiative.jpg – Foto: Magnus Sylven
  • baltcf-projects-Improving the nature protection on the Finnish Gulf.jpg – Foto: Tuuli Hakulinen
  • baltcf-projects-Increasing passability of ecological corridors.jpg – Foto: Iwona Czerniec
  • baltcf-projects-Campaign Save Latvian Dunes.jpg – Foto: Peter Torkler
  • baltcf-projects-Untangling the net.jpg – Foto:  Julius Morkunas
  • baltcf-projects-Protection of migrating salmon in Lithuania.jpg – Foto: Dovile Rupsyte
  • baltcf-projects-Small scale local solutions.jpg – Foto: Olga Senova
  • baltcf-projects-Pollution prevention in small water bodies.jpg – Foto: Ekaterina Latysheva
  • baltcf-projects-Restoring degraded peatland.jpg – Foto: Pawel Pawlaczyk
  • baltcf-projects-Protect the Baltic Harbor Porpoise.jpg – Foto: Sven Koschinski
  • baltcf-projects-Through multifunctional wetland restoration.jpg – Foto: Magnus Sylven
  • baltcf-projects-Pike factories.jpg – Foto: Olof Engstedt
  • baltcf-projects-Strengthening the protection of Atlantic Salmon.jpg – Foto: Radek Brzezinski
  • baltcf-projects-Closed Loop.jpg – Foto: Alisa Dendro
  • baltcf-projects-Baltic Clean Games.jpg – Foto: Dmitry Ioffe
  • baltcf-projects-Protecting habitats of the Aquatic Warbler.jpg – Foto: Marek Dylawerski
  • baltcf-projects-Reduction of the negative impact of oil spills from the Franken shipwreck.jpg – Foto: Michal Procajlo

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ACB – Netzwerk für Webdesign & Kommunikation Berlin